Age Of Mythology Download Full Game Mac

The Age Of Mythology series has always been a reassuringly dependable RTS, the strategy equivalent of a cup of cocoa and a pair of fluffy slippers. However, Ensemble wasn't content to rest on its well-established laurels with Age Of Mythology, and instead dug deep into its RTS pockets to bnng us a beautiful, finely tuned game with a host of weird and wonderful creatures pulled straight from the pages of a book on mythology.

Furthermore, AoE 2 HD is in the same situation: AoE 2 had a launch day Mac version and the HD on Steam does not until now. Since the developers for both games are the same, I wouldn't expect a Mac port to be released anytime in the near future. If you want to play AoM on your Mac, you're best option is to use Wine somehow.

The Titans expansion pack focuses mainly on a new civilisation, the Atlanteans, led by Kastor, the son of Arkantos, the hero from the original game. In the meaty single-player campaign, the tale of the Atlanteans is spread over 12 missions, all of which are neatly designed and more than a match for anything in the original game.

New Toys On The Block

Part of this is due to the wide range of new features and tilesets Microsoft has added to the in-game editor - the flourishing AoM modding community will have nothing to complain about when they see all the new toys they've got to play with. In fact, the developers do seem to have paid quite a bit of attention to the multiplayer side of Titans. As well as polishing up the online interface, they've also included a number of Al 'personalities', with unique playing styles that mimic the methods of real-life opponents.

Greek Chic

The Atlanteans themselves are like a more interesting version of the Greeks, who personally I've always found to be quite dull compared to the showy and frantic Egyptians and the Norse. They come complete with their own set of major Titan gods; Kronos, Oranos and Gaia, plus nine minor gods.

The various Titan god powers and the Atlantean features add some very interesting strategic twists to the game. For instance, all their buildings come replete with a time shift power, which allows them to be moved to different parts of the map. The vortex god power literally sucks all your military units up and drops them in one place. The Atlanteans also curry favour with their chosen gods by taking over town centres rather than praying at temples, building relics or fighting, making them much more of a territory conscious side to play.

Unfortunately there are very few changes to the existing sides, but the key addition is a giant creature for each side -monstrous beings that can cause enormous amounts of damage. When you've managed to create one of these Titans they will roam about the map tearing things up and fighting each other like a Japanese monster movie.

Overall this is a great value expansion pack. The singleplayer campaign is very satisfying, the new race has some very interesting potential for online games and the new Titans are superb fun, if not particularly subtle. With typical Ensemble aplomb, Age Of Mythology has just received a titanic new lease of life.

reggie posted a review
  • Developer: Ensemble Studios
  • Release date: 2003
  • Platform: Windows (PC)
  • Genre: Strategy
  • Version: 1.03
  • 1 vote
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    Download Age of Mythology: The Titans Free for PC Torrent

    Age of Mythology: The Titans is an expansion pack to the real-time strategy video game of Age of Mythology. It was developed by Ensemble Studios and released on September 30, 2003.

    The Titans adds a fourth culture to the game, the Atlanteans, and three new major gods, plus new units, buildings and god powers. It also includes many new features, such as auto-queueing (allows indefinite training of units as long as you have sufficient resources), and the ability to summon a Titan, a gargantuan, godlike being that forms the game's focal point. Critics gave Titans an average rating of 84% according to GameRankings.



    The largest new addition to Titans is a new civilization, the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans have no specific hero units, but can convert most human units into a hero. Citizens have no drop off point for resources, and town centers can be built at any time during the game. Atlantean Citizens are much more effective in work than their Greek, Norse or Egyptian counterparts and do not require drop-off points for resources; instead, harvested resources are automatically added to stockpiles. They are also slower to train, and much more expensive. Atlanteans gain favor through possessing town centers. The more they control, the faster the rate of favor generation.

    A new unit, the Oracle, is introduced on the side of the Atlanteans. With a line of sight that expands when he stands still and a researchable ability to pick up relics, he can be very effective in the early game, but he only has an attack if upgraded to hero.

    Most Atlantean human units can be transformed into heroes (including Citizens), which become a little bit better at everything they do. Myth Units, Naval Units, Siege Units, Titans, and Soban are the exceptions. As well as being strong against Myth Units, Atlantean heroes retain their own strengths and weaknesses, so, for example, Murmillo heroes are still weak against archers and strong against cavalry.

    Video Review and Screenshots

    • Operating System: Microsoft WindowsXP / Vista / 7
    • Processor: Pentium III 750 MHz
    • RAM: 128 MB
    • Video Card: Nvidia Riva TNT 2
    • Hard disk space: 1.5 GB

    Age of Mythology: The Titans PC Download Free Torrent

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    Age Of Mythology Download Full Game Mac Free


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