Mac Discord Can't Hear When Open Other Game

If you ever played the multiplayer game, then, you already know about “discord”. Even, nowadays, mobile users also started using discord App to communicate. Because in-game voice feature doesn’t work properly, in PUBG Mobile Game. And, many mobile and computer users are facing “Discord mic not working” problem. Means, other people not able to hear the voice. Though, discord PC and mobile app show the green signal when the user speaks. But, still, other people can’t hear. Because, due to some problem, discord not transmitting voice.

I was also facing the same problem with discord web App and mobile App. But, after checking many settings, I found some solutions. There isn’t any specific reason behind “discord not picking up mic” problem. So, in this article, I am going to mention certain solutions. You need to try out each solution. Until your problem gets resolved.

Mar 20, 2020 Discord is an excellent chat app for gamers, but sometimes you may meet the Discord won’t open error, check the 8 tricks in the tutorial below to fix this issue. For those who need a reliable free data recovery tool, computer partition manager, backup and restore tool, MiniTool software is top recommended. As the title says. When i join a discord voice chat I can't hear anything anymore. It completely mutes my whole system. (Youtube, The Game im playing, Facebook notifications,. I've looked around the internet and i'm not the only one having this problem. But somehow all the help i try to find on the internet is useless.


  • 1 Fix Discord mic not working.

Fix Discord mic not working.

Solution: 1. Check your headphone or earphone mic.

Before start making some changes in discord App. You need to find out that your headphone mic or earphone mic is working or not. If you’re using an external microphone, then it could be the cable issue.

To test headphone mic, simply connect it to your Mobile or Computer.
Then, Open the recorder App. (Windows also, comes with Voice Recorder App. Use the search feature of Windows to find out.)

Now, all you need to do is record your voice. And, then listen. If there isn’t any background noise coming. Means, your mic is working perfectly fine. But, if you’re able to listen to some background noise. Then, that could be the reason behind, “discord mic not working”. So, I suggest you change the microphone or headphone you’re using.

If the mic isn’t able to record anything. Then it could be possible that 3.5mm audio jack is not working. So, use another device to find out.

Solution: 2. Perform an Upload Speedtest.

To use discord App, you need a good internet connection. Mine discord mic wasn’t working with the data connection. But, after switching it to the WiFi connection, it started working. Good internet means not with the good download speed. With the upload speed. Because to transmit the voice you need uploading speed.

How to check internet connection speed?.

1. Download Speedtest by Ookla App. (Chrome extension also available.)
2. Open App, and you”ll able to see the “GO” button. But, before starting the speed test. I suggest you choose the fastest and nearest server for SpeedTest.

  • Tap on the globe icon, and then hit start automatically option. (Make sure GPS is on, with high accuracy.)
  • Now, you can tap on the “GO” button, to check upload and download speed.
  • The App first does check for the download speed, then does check for the upload speed. So, wait.
  • If your upload speed is below 0.1 Mbps. Then, discord can’t able to transmit voice properly. In my case, the upload speed is 1.15 Mbps. That’s why discord able to transmit voice.

And, if your upload speed is very low, showing between 0.1 – 0.3 Mbps. Then, change internet connection. Or, if you’re using the data connection, then, try moving around. And, find out, right place where the internet works properly.

Solution: 3. Logout and restart discord.


If discord was working perfectly before the same internet and mic. And, suddenly, your friends not able to hear your voice. Then, it could be a glitch. So, to fix discord quickly, you need to log out and restart it.

In Computer – Go to user settings. Now, at the bottom left corner, you will able to see log out option.

In Android– You can clear App data and cache to log out. Or, can go to user settings, and then, can tap on logout sign. (Check 2nd icon from the upper right corner.)

After logging out, simply close discord App from Windows. And, then start it after 30 seconds. Now, log in using your account details. And, hopefully, this time mic will able to transmit your voice.

Solution: 4. Run Discord as Administrator.

Since discord uses the UDP protocol to transmit voice. And, if discord doesn’t have admin privileges to send packets. Then, the problem like “discord mic not working” occurs. This solution was recommended by customer support of discord.

  • Close, discord App completely from the Computer. Now, right click on discord app shortcut and then choose “Run as Administrator” option.

Alternative Method – If you don’t want to go through this option every time. Then right-click on discord App shortcut, go to properties. Click on the compatibility tab. And, then mark “run this program as an administrator” option. After that, click on Apply, then click on OK.

Solution: 5 Reset the Voice Settings.

Discord comes with many settings to optimize voice chat experience. And, if you have made some changes to transmit and hear the clear voice. But, ended up facing “discord mic not working” problem. Then, you can fix it by resetting voice settings. It will set voice settings to default. Although, I am not able to find out this option in the Android App. So, this solution works only for Computer users.

Go to user settings > voice and Video. Now, Scroll down a little. At the end of “voice and video” settings option. You”ll able to find out “Reset voice Settings” option, click on it.

And, if you had mute someone, then it will unmute. So keep that in mind. You”ll get a warning, click on “Okay”.

Solution: 6 Check Voice Settings.

If you’re new with discord. Then, you might don’t know, about its settings. And, if all the above solutions don’t work. Then, you need to make certain changes. To make changes you need to go to the user settings > Voice & Video.

6.1 Select Right Input Device.

If it’s on default, then it could be the reason behind “discord not picking up mic”. So, in the first setting, you will able to see the input and output device. And, Problem is with, transmitting the voice. You need to select your mic in the input device. As you can see, I have select “Headset Mic”. Because I am using “Mi basic Earphones”. Now, check that, mic started working in discord or not. If not, then try next setting.

IMPORTANT– If discord not recognizing mic. Means, your mic isn’t showing in the input device. Then, it could be the driver issue or headphone jack issue.

To fix this problem quickly, right click on the speaker icon. Click on “Open sound settings”. Here you can select your default input-output device. And, if the mic isn’t showing, then use troubleshoot option. Also, go to the device manager and install the latest audio driver. You can find out certain guides on the internet.

Mac discord can

6.2 Enable input mode and sensitivity.

If you’re using “voice activity” feature. Then, make sure “automatically determine input sensitivity” option is enabled. After enabling this option, discord will start transmitting your voice. Even, when you speak in the low voice. In the push to talk feature, discord not able to listen to voice automatically. You need to press a button to speak. So, while playing games, “voice activity” is the best option to choose.

After setting up these main settings. Now, check in the voice processing three options are enabled or not. I am talking about echo cancellation, noise suppression, and automatic gain control. These options will reduce background noise so that the other person can hear you.

You can disable “enable quality of service high packet priority” option. But if you enable it. Your internet connection will give “discord voice transmission” high priority. So better keep it enabled. Do you have a discord server? Then, try out “Best Discord Bots“.

That’s it. Other settings aren’t the cause behind “Discord mic not working” problem. So, you don’t need to make changes.

Multiplayer Games are getting more popular each day. And, because of PUBG and Fortnite, mobile users also able to play Multiplayer’s Games. These multiplayer games come with the in-game voice chat feature. But, in-game voice chat doesn’t work some times due to server lag. That’s why Discord is first priority for many gamers. But recently, Users are facing voice chat problems in Discord. They can’t hear people on Discord.

Means, other users able to hear your voice. But, you can’t able to hear others on Discord. And, even a green circle also appears, when someone speaks in the voice channels. It’s quite annoying. Although, with update discord already fix this voice chat bug. But, if still, you’re facing a similar issue. Then, read this article, to get to know some working solutions.

Why can’t I hear anyone on Discord?.

There isn’t any specific reason behind this problem. But, possibly this problem occurs due to improper audio settings. Or, due to interference in audio settings by third-party software. If you’re using anyDiscord Voice Changer, then also this problem can occur. And, the issue can also occur due to outdated Discord App or outdated sound driver.

IMPORTANT– If discord not picking up the mic. Then, read my article on “Discord mic not working“.


  • 1 Can’t Hear People On Discord.

Can’t Hear People On Discord.

Turn on use Legacy Audio Subsystem.

It could be possible that your hardware might be not compatible with the latest Discord audio subsystem. Then, by switching it to the legacy audio subsystem, you can resolve the issue. Many Discord users already resolved the audio issue by switching to legacy. So, you can give it a try.

1. Open Discord App in Discord. Click on user settings (Gear icon).

2. Click on Voice & Video.

3. Scroll down and look for the option named “Audio Subsystem”. You might see “standard” is selected.

Click on it, and select “Legacy”. A new dialog box will appear, click on “Okay” for confirmation.

That’s it, Discord will re-launch, and, hopefully, you will now able to hear other people in Discord.

Set Default Playback Device.

If you’re using Discord settings on default. Then, Discord will use your system’s default input and output device. And, if the wrong audio device is selected as default. Then, you can’t hear anyone on discord. Because the output is going into the wrong device. Although, Windows automatically select the newly connected device as default. But, if Windows can’t able to select a default device, due to some third-party software. Then, you have to do it manually.

1. Open Control Panel, Click on hardware and sound.

2. Click on the Sound option.

3. A Sound window will appear now. Right-click on the connected headphones, and then select the “Set as Default Device” option.

If your headphone comes with an inbuilt microphone. Then, in the playback device, you will able to see the headset and headphone two options of the same device.

Headset (device microphone) – So, for a headset, you have to select “Set as Default Communication Device”.

Headphone (device speaker) – And, for headphones, you just have to select the “Set as default device” option.

That’s it. after selecting both these correct option. Your problem will get resolve permanently.

Change Output Device.

This is the easiest solution that you will try. Discord voice settings come with two options. Input Device and output device. The input device is for the mic, so that, other people can hear you. But, in our case, we can’t hear people on discord. So, by selecting the right output device we can fix this problem.

For Example – By default if your system output device is selected computer speaker. Then, you will able to hear other people’s voices in Computer speakers. Not in connected headphones or earphones. You can remove the headphone to check.

1. Open Discord App in Windows.

2. Click on the “User Settings” icon, which appears on the right side of your discord name.

3. After that, the Discord settings page will get open. Click on “Voice & Video”.

4. In Voice Settings, Instead of the ‘Default’ option, choose your connected audio device. (If not any device is showing, then, it’s a driver problem.)

Note: Make sure you are able to hear a sound beep after selecting the device.

Also, set the output volume bar to max. That’s it. now hopefully your problem will get resolved.

Reset Voice Settings.

Apart from input-output device settings. Discord comes with some other voice settings options. And, if you have made any changes in those options. Then, also due to some wrong settings you can’t hear people on discord. So, by resetting voice settings of Discord you can fix this problem. Alternatively, you can reinstall the Discord App. But, it’s not the right way to handle this issue.

1. To Reset Voice Settings in Discord. Open Discord App in Windows, and, click on user settings (gear icon).

2. Click on Voice & Video.

3. In the Voice Settings Page, scroll down till the end of the page.

4. You will able to see the “Reset Voice Settings” option. Click on it.

5. A confirmation window will appear with a message. Click on “Okay” to reset.

That’s it. Now, try to communicate with friends. If still, you can’t hear anyone on discord. Then, make sure the right audio input and output device are selected. Because resetting voice will set all options to default.

Refresh Discord.

Usually, this problem occurs when you connect/disconnect multiple audio devices. I mean, if you switch devices when the Discord is running. Also, Discord does release various updates much often. So, it could possible that discord has been updated. And, this problem is occurring, because of some update bug. In this case, Discord usually revokes or roll back the update to resolve the issue. And, by refreshing discord, you can trigger the update. Refreshing also fixes the issue that occurs due to changing audio devices.

To refresh discord, simply press Ctrl + R key. Or, close Discord completely, and, open it again.

Use Web Version of Discord App.

Discord is a cross-platform application, available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux. And, you can use Discord through your web browser, without downloading it. If after trying the above solution “Can’t Hear People On Discord” issue doesn’t get solved. Then, I suggest you use the web version.

And, before trying a web version, you should try playing some YouTube video in a web browser. To just make sure that you are able to hear the sound. Use only Chrome browser for the Discord web version. Also, don’t forget to give mic permission to Chrome, so you can communicate.

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